Rhubarb Sauce

Rhubarb sauce is kinda like apple sauce but tart… You love it or hate it!

Here’s what I did:
15 cups rhubarb cut up small… I used red and green… I don’t mind it tart.
3.5-4.5 cups sugar… I used 4 cups… Again I like it tart.
2.5 cups water
1tsp cinnamon

step 1: boil water and sugar in a non-reacitve pan.
step 2: add in rhubarb and simmer for 10minutes.
step 3: use a masher or blender to get the consistency you like.
step 4: let it stand and cool for and hour or two to let the juices come out.
step 5:  heat back up
step 6: water bath can for 15 minutes


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