
Flashlights and head lamps are very helpful in a lot of situations… I always carry my 3xAAA LED Maglite in my everyday bag.

Imagine you are out in the dark somewhere and hear a strange noise… If you don’t have a flashlight to sweep the area you might be thinking about that noise and what it could have been all night and it could have just been the wind or a small rodent or cat…

In my GoBag I carry a couple flash lights…

  •  Mini LED Maglite 3xAAA that I can recharge with a car charger or crank radio…
    – Battery Life – 18 hours [2 hours a day for 9 days]
  • Shake Lights are an awesome light too… They use shake motion to re-charge the batteries in the flashlight
    – Battery Life – Forever potentially…
  • Head Lamps are great to have when working in the dark to free up your hands… Make sure you get one that uses the same size batteries as your flashlight or other devices for compatibility… I prefer AAA because they are small and light weight… Most take 3 AAA so I carry 12xAAA so I have 2 sets of spares for both my light and headlamp.

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