Ice Storms

Ice Storms & Freezing Rain

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What I would do first before the freezing rain causes a large power outage:

  1. Get my bug-out-bag & my home emergency kit.
  2. Grab my bag & get to my car & charge my phone.
  3. Call people & get a plan going… Tell others your plans… Group text messaging might be faster if you have it.
  4. Head safely to the nearest gas station & fill up…  Maybe bring or buy gas cans to fill up.
  5. GET  TO AN ATM & GET CASH OUT… No power… No debit/credit!
  6. Purchase any supplies you might not have or need more of… Propane, Batteries, Water, Lighters, 
  7. Head to the grocery store & get some food & other supplies… Propane, Batteries, Water, Food, Briquets, First Aid etc.
  8. Head to your meeting spot… Conserve supplies ;]



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